Monday, August 6, 2007

The summer is more then half over and Isaac just turned 6 months . Where has the time gone, it feels like we just brought him home from the hospital and now his first summer is half over. I begin to feel sad at how fast my kids are growing up and one day they will move out oh thats so scary for me. Anyways enjoy the new Pics from the summer so far and the video. Hope everyone is having a woderful summer. Take time to enjoy the season and the season of your life.

My beautiful Mother and my beautiful daughter at the Zoo
Tayah's favorite thing to do spend time with Grammy.
(she definetly looks like my older sister not my mom)
They look so cute!!

Tayah acting goofy because she knows the camaras out.

(I don't know were she gets it from)

The Zoo with the kids, in Calgary its very interactive almost like a peting zoo
Only the animals are still wild and attack the childern. Tayah was terrified.
Or many of you may have this same Bear in a photo album from your
childhood as I do that bear has been at the Calgary Zoo forever.

This is Isaac trying rice ceral for the first time. We could'nt get it in to his mouth
fast enough he kept grabing at the spoon and bowl, crying for more. YUMMY

My beautiful girl Tayah loves to pose for the camara and to be honest sometime the posing picture turn out not so great. That was not the case this day she seemed to have a sparkle in her eye and she lit up the room, as she does everyday. She made my day!!

Tayah took a dance class this past year and absolutly loved it so we registered her for two in the fall, but we decide to keep her passion alive this summer with two dance camps here are some pictures from her first week.

Dancing queen

Isaac loves his music????

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Well its Sunday night as we enter a third week in the high 20's low 30's in Calgary and the kids are not enjoying the heat anymore. We spent some time in Invermere earlier this month but are not taking any offical holidays, mostly because we have boought a new house in Calgary and are moving in the winter. Enjoy the pictures of the kids and look back soon for more updates on the Fam.